• 導覽語言–廣東話
  • 畢業於英國特許秘書和行政人員協會
  • 畢業於特許旅遊學院
  • 特許旅遊學院會員
  • 導遊協會會員
  • 專業服務 VIPs
  • 歷史, 博物館, 教育, 王室,攝影
  • 可以預定行政車和司機。

您好,我是Suky Lok,倫敦藍牌導遊。 自1999年以來,我已經獲得了倫敦藍牌導遊的資格,已經擔任了20年的倫敦藍牌導遊。 在獲得倫敦藍牌導遊資格之前,我曾在Trafalgar Tours Ltd工作,也熟悉旅行社的運作。 我喜歡倫敦,喜歡英國,喜歡旅行。 我想向您展示這個美麗的倫敦城市。 我喜歡分享我的知識,分享英國的生活。

我在香港出生並長大。 我的母語是廣東話。 我在英格蘭結婚,我的孩子也在英格蘭長大。  


我是旅遊指南協會和專業旅遊指南協會的成員。 我是您來倫敦時可以信賴並依靠的人。

Review from Cecilia Chan on 05/08/2023

Hi Suky – thank you so much for the wonderful tour yesterday!!  Loved hearing about all the stories and learning about British history!

And you are a FANTASTIC photographer – I just went through the photos and the photos you took were great and so much better than mine:)

Thank you again for the delightful day.  It was such a pleasure to meet you and I’ll definitely recommend you to anyone who is looking for a tour guide in London.

Enjoy the rest of your summer.

Review from Kit Yan on 14/09/2023

I visited London with my Cantonese speaking mon whose English is limited, while my Cantonese is limited.  Suky was the perfect bridge between us to have an incredible tour of London!  We saw all the sights that we both wanted to see (Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, London Bridge, Parliament, Borough Market, etc) and learned so much about the history of each place.  This was our first time in England and also our first trip together and being able to both enjoy the tour was very special.  I highly recommend a tour with Suky who is a knowledgeable, experienced, and super fun guide.


電郵 : sukylok@gmail.com

+44 7710 235095